The effect of makeup on self-confidence
The impact of images on our vision of beauty
All women have a different idea of beauty.
This idea is based on our origins, our culture and its criteria of beauty but also by the images we see whether in magazines or on television.
As a child, I was not aware of the impact of my environment and the media on the image I had of beauty.
I was always surrounded by people who were very different from me physically.
Trusting what I heard I thought that beauty was what I saw the most, that it was "normality", the standard.
This standard was the European woman, tall, blond and with light eyes.
Totally my opposite...
So I thought for a long time that because I did not meet these criteria in any way that I was not beautiful and never would be.
Growing as a young girl with such a negative self-image is very hard and can even be traumatic.
I had the chance to understand quite quickly that there was not just one beauty but beauties and that I was beautiful in my own way.
Photo : Marine Blanchard
Unconsciously it is my experience that pushed me towards a career in the beauty industry.
I am not attracted to this industry for the glitter but because taking care of myself has allowed me to learn to love myself.
What I hear every day truly makes me believe that I can help women change the negative image they have of themselves, in my own way.
Is makeup superficial ?
Makeup is therefore for me anything but superficial if used to please yourself, to feel more beautiful and more self-confident.
Sandra, whom I met a few months ago, gave me her opinion on the subject.
I'll let you discover it in this little video:
A tool to feel more confident
As Sandra said, if makeup makes you happy, do it.
I'll add just do it taking into account your face features, style and specificities that make you unique.
Makeup should not be used to transform you into a person you are not but to reveal who you are.
I am currently working on a project that I hope you will find exciting…
I spent the last months thinking of a way to propose my makeup classes in a new format.
I am launching my online Beauty Academy soon and my Beauty Coaching Program : Beautiful, Natural, Exceptional.
It is a four-week (4) program with live makeup demo, video tutorials on demand and with illimited access, cheat sheets and tips to download…
The objective is to teach women how to use makeup as a tool to build and strengthen their self-confidence.
The program will be for women who feel that their image does not match who they are deep inside, women who feel that they need to boost their self-confidence.
Stay tuned if you want to know more about it.
If you have not already subscribed to my newsletter, do it now so that I can keep you informed of the launch of the “Beautiful, Natural, Exceptional” program .
Have a nice day and take good care of yourself.
Yours in beauty,
Francine O.
P.S.: Thinking of organizing a contest next week… see you here very soon.